Friday, March 31, 2006 @10:01 PM
I LOVE SA. I LOVE SA. I LOVE SA. I LOVE SA. I LOVE SA!!!! yes i do. x)
team sajc rocks. (: the guys really played damn well that day la. anw... i shall backtrack first. haha.
ok.. first period, pe.. relief teacher, mr ho again.. played captain's ball again, and OH NO, this time SHEA was there. 0.o shea is too freaking tall to play can. anw, i think we still won. yay! and i touched the ball loads more times. haha. x) and i was on the same team as the triplets, li jian, melly, regina, peilian, josh sam,gerry. that's all i think. yup. GERRY IS THE BEST GOALIE (or watever u call it) FOR CAPTAIN'S BALL. he caught so many balls!!! yay!!!! x) he rocks la. and he catches it with one hand. YAY GERRY. haha. and shea is SCARY. he stretch up his hands and they go over gerry's head. while gerry's standing on that stool. 0.o and then.. he was also the goalie for a short period of time.. poor josh sam, who was the guy defending. haha. anw, the triplets are really cute la. they keep passing around to each other,then pass to paul who will shoot. of course, they got pass to us also la.. den me and regina always stand at the right side. then we always have each other for backup. x) so yeaaapp. anw after pe was really sweatyyyyy. >< changed after cooling down and got barley. yes barley rocks. x) and yisheng is seriously the best mortal EVER. he bought a juice for his ANGEL!! so sweet la. *claps.
and we have a 1hr 30min break on thurs la. =.='' dat's after maths tutorial. anw during maths tutorial mr ho asked terence to do a qn.. then terence dunno.. den mr ho teach him.. den he still dunno how to den derrick went up to help him.. den mr ho ask him to go back sit down. haha. den derrick was like sir, i want to help my good friend la.. den being the stubborn mr ho that he is, mr ho didn't allow him to. lol. damn funny la. and seriosuly, the triplets are like inseperable right now la. they're forever together. haha. after tutorial was break.. if i'm not wrong we went library. yup. then leen mugged..peilian,mel,regina and serene did too i think.. the guys also. wahhh. my class is hardworking man. anw me and melly had nth to do cos manda was writing yisheng's letter.. so we walked around the library.. i koped leen's piyo. x) it's so cuteeee
anw we saw mel,serene,regina and peilian mugging.. den we saw the triplets behind them reading. very cute. all three of them got a book and sat down to read la. haha. den found josh sam and joey being anti.they were sitting on the same table, at opp sides and NOT facing each other. so weird right?? like enemies like that. haha. gentlemanly josh sam got us chairs. so nice right?? haha. yisheng came and joined us too. we crapped a lot. x) how fun. den melly came up with the idea that we should msg amos to get well soon.. so we typed out the same msg in everyone's phones. as in the ppl on that table la. den we sent it. and joey was like super wols cos after we press send then he was like wat's amos's no.?? den me and melly were like JOEY!!! haha. and yisheng was surprised that i rmbed amos's no. after hearing it once from melly. but his no. is so easy!! 8*8*8*70. u see? until now i still rmb. x) i'm soo good. lol. anw we went behind after that.. where the rest of the guys minus josh siao was.. so yeeep. den we told them to send the same msg too. haha. and the msg actually goes something like hey!how are u?get well soon k! we miss u! :) . yup. so it was like a bit gay for the guys to send it la. haha. x)
anw by the time we went back manda had finished writing yisheng's letter.. den we read thru and accompanied her to give it to him.. den he again started giving us that LOOK. ie he started thinking which of us is his angel. lol. and den we were like joey who's ur mortal? cos we thought that it was regina.. den he said no, it's one of us.. as in,melly,me or manda. den we were like who?? den i thought it was me cos i was the only one that supposedly didn't know my angel..melly thought hers was mel and manda's was chandra.. ya.. then joey said we'll be very shocked when we know.. den we were like hmm.. den when we left the library right, melly was asking mel whether she was her angel.. then mel was like i'm confirm not ur angel.. den we were like omg ur angel is joey??? joey was the one that kick started the whole thing??? lol. like so unbelievable!!! plus, the handwriting is so nice and the stuff he wrote is like wat a girl would write la.. omg. like,WOW joey. u rock la. haha.
anw after that was chinese.. wah. need to write short compo.. first qn, 2 paras, 5 lines each, 2nd qn 1,another 5 lines. at least it's short la. haha. our chinese tutor not bad la.. she's in charge of rhythmic gymnastics and chinese reading club. =.='' damn weird combi. nvm. haha. i'm so sorry xie lao shi i nv go support ur chinese reading club.. haha. ><
me again with relief teacher mr ho.. just sit there warm seats. lol. anw, MEAN has been formed. i think. haha. M=melly. E=eileen. A=me. N=Amanda=Nda. haha. and the triplets are really proud of being SEXY. they write their names BIG BIG on their paper. haha. phy lect.. me and qin found out that the notes are somewhat diff from first intake. T.T oh noooo. must do AGAIN. and the tutorial is diff too!! BLEAH. anw, the geogers watched part of the heats.. and something funny happened. i think terence lost his heats. he was on the ground rolling. and me,mel and serene saw. and we were laughing. LOL. and then he saw us. and heh jumped up and went WHAT?!?! and then we laughed even harder. damn cute la. den i was explaining to qin wat happened later.. den i was pointing at terence.. and he saw me pointing. like OOPS. anw it was damn FUNNY la. XP oh. and there was something SCANDALOUS going on. actually, not scandalous la, i just like the word. x) anw.. joey ps-ed us for a girl.. and we saw them at the dou hua shop!! haha. =P caught in the act!! haha. anw,the girl's name is charlene (i think this is how u spell) and they're frm the same church..yup. and ssupposedly, they're like always together. lol. shall not say anymore. =X
after that we went to join the econ-ers den we left for kovan.. and on the 81 it started raining.. and on the bus, me and manda were like saying we should start a class newsletter.. den we'd be in charge of the gossip column. and front page news would be joey!!! haha. and li jian and shea would be in charge of the jokes column. lol. anw thank goodness they didn't cancel the match and we were just in time!! the place was PACKED. 1/2 mj, 1/2 sa. and sa rocks la. we were so damn loud. plus, we used the mj drums and shouted sa. haha. x) and mel was like damn high la. she was screaming so damn loud. lol. den each time we scored a goal the whole stands would erupt in DEAFENING cheers!!! haha. sa rocks k. (: i think the guys played well. (: anw where i was standing iit was freaking hot can.. i sweated almost as much as i did in pe.. =.= but worth it la. =D and then right, there were these 3 rj guys standing with the sa ppl la. =.='' analysing the game and taking down notes lor.. like wth.. BEI BI XIAO REN!!! >< anw, sa's gonna vs aj on mon.. i wanna go watch but it's at 3 and we end at 4.15!!! T.T no fair lo. raaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh. well i will continue tml.. cos it's like 12 am and my parents are nagging me to go to sleep. x) cya tml for more updates. thank u to all readers for ur continued support. LOL. has anyone read today's,or rather, ytd's,news?? as in LIFe page. abt campus superstar. amazing wat schs do. -.-''
Wednesday, March 29, 2006 @9:02 PM
we have mr ho as our maths tutor. AGAIN. bleah. no comments. >< i'm now wondering whether or not he is a relief teacher la.. hmmmm. anw today was quite ok la.. i dun think anything interesting happened.. if something DID happen i've forgotten. hmms. oh,ok.. eileen's blog has reminded me. yes. haha. kk, during maths tutorial, derrick, paul and terence for some reason now have the nicknames sexy left, sexy right and sexy back. and they're collectively known as the sexy beasts. LOL. funny la. terence got sexy back cos of the 'terry' thingy. haha. derrick is sexy left cos he's a left hander and paul's sexy right cos he's a right hander. damn lame. then there was this point in class when derrick said "teacher, i'm sexy". LOL. damn funny la. den mr ho didn't get it.. den derrick was like "oh.. how to do 6c..." haha. den mr ho was again like huh?? den derrick was like, nvm i know alr. LOL. damn funny la.
funny incident no. 2: we were at the cc for chem lect.. den ppl started passing around this note that said 'there's a bat on the ceiling'. yup. thought it was from amos.. but nope, it came frm somewhere frm the back.. anw amos was like saying that it's a prank to get ppl to look up.. so pass to qin den me den i pass to melly.. den she passed it in front.. den the three guys in front reading the note looked up all at the same time. haha. damn funny la. den we passed it around.. chandra's reaction was also damn funny. he looked up then cannot find the bat then he start looking up and AROUND. haha. den we passed the note to gerry.. and mel wrote on the paper to gerry in BIG letters in BLACK. haha. so cannot pass around le. anw, gerry and joey didn't get it. nvm. we understand some ppl are WOLS and we're nice ppl. ((: haha. so bad. =X anw.. sometime after that, mrs leow was going thru the exercise.. and den she caught someone looking up.. and she was like why u look up? very interesting meh? den everyone started laughing. haha.think the person caught was someone frm s08. lol. yup. so mrs leow, if u're wondering why everyone laughed,this is the answer. ((: see i'm so nice, enlighten u. LOL. =X
and.. last funny incident was after geog.. fyi,geog was pretty boring, and the venn house shirt is out of stock cos everyone LOVES BLACK. how cool is that la. haha. loyfatt should be in black man. XP anw... back to funny incident. headed upstairs with mel and serene.. and mel went back down after reaching the third floor cos her fren was finally finished doing wateverit is she was doing and she could meet mel. haha. so mel had more exercise. x) yup. went toilet with serene den headed back first... and manda and leen were just leaving!!! wahhh. anw went to the back to find the guys.. found li jian and nic on one table, and joey,gerry,josh sam and john on one table. anw joined li jian and nic cos the other table got no space.. yup. den yisheng joined us.. i helped li jian with his maths!! man do i rock. LOL. =X anw.. after a while.. yisheng got lured away by a girl.. li jian say is yisheng's og mate... lol. den we were like eh.... got SOMETHING going on ah.. lol. den not long after.. joey got lured away by a girl too!! den li jian was like aiyo.. we must wait for girl to come den we can go leh.. oh.. den u must wait for guy.. lol. the 'u' being me. haha. den li jian told us this joke la.. some library joke which i am too lazy to say right now. haha. =P anw.. li jian left w/o being picked up by a girl. lol. he had badminton tryouts.. den me and nic moved over to the other table and nic told them the joke. lol. damn lame. anw, i taught them how to do maths tut qn 2(ii)!!! yay i really do rock. haha. den the guys started saying wat they thought i was very quiet at first cos i look quiet.. haha. den say now that they know me better i have proved them wrong. yay!! x) okie. then after that i ran off with sam for dance. haha. hmm. doesn't really count as a funny incident la. anw i laughed LOADS for some reason that i have forgotten. li jian is SUPER funny. haha. was ok la.. today's practise was shorter than usual cos of the practise for danceworks.. so zaki made us do everything like really fast la. bleahhh. and i couldn't catch the last part properly. haha. therefore i danced really WEIRDLY. >< or so i think. ah wells. melly and clarissa are also convinced that they danced really badly. oh wells. thank god it was only to choose 16 ppl for the international physics olympiad opening ceremony. i thought it was some kind of audition! >< ah well. stayed behind to watch their danceworks dance.. not bad. i wonoder how much practise they put in just to reaach that lvl la.. =/ i feel so farrr behindddddd. >< oh well. i will try my best. x) went home with sam.. thank god that we can like still talk with each other.. there's like ppl who can't talk to their frens after not seeing them for a few yrs.. and i dun think sam and i have talked since p4.. which is like a REALLY REALLY
REALLY loooooonnnnngggg time. yep. so yay, thank god for that! (: and also thank god for wonderful classes,06s07 and first intake's 06s11. and thank god for
you. (:
Tuesday, March 28, 2006 @8:26 PM
kk. wat did we do on mon... AAHH. STERLING lecture. aha. i wasn't listening during the F1 lect. =X at least others were.. then they got qns. otherwise the poor lecturer will be so sad. haha. we were playing bingo during lect lor. lol. but sit in rows quite hard to play. =.='' anw, gerry and john were having this angel-mortal msn convo on paper.. haha. cos gerry is john's angel and john is gerry's mortal. yeeepp. then the girls started entering the convo and spamming. lol. then got break.. then yet another sterling lecture. but this time, the lecturer was missing! yay. haha. so we stayed in the cc and started going mad. u know in msn u can send nudges? well,eileen started sending nudges. =.='' and we passed the nudges to derrick, eileen's angel cos she's hating him for not writing to her. haha. some kind of love-hate relationship. ahaha. =X then passed boxes,kisses, prods and pokes. =.='' lol. see my class is uber lame. and then eileen passed a poke to li jian.. who was sitting in front of her. den li jian pass to this guy sitting in front of him laaaa. LOL. and i think the guys was an indian scholar? dunno la. lol. anw it was damn funny can. and the LOOK on the guy's face was CLASSIC man. x) and den the 4 ppl started intro-ing themselves.. li jian, josh sam, nic, and shea? and maybe some others, dunno la. den we were like, oh look, he's made new friends. LOL. damn funny can.
ohhhh. and the guys were passing boxes. or punches. sounds better. yep,punches. haha. den terence wante to punch derrick on the shoulder. quite hard. BUT he MISSED. and it was SUPER funny. and mel and serene went mad laughing abt it la. so bad!! lol. anw, we started yet another msn convo i think. yeah.. den we were like paul love terence and terence love paul.. and derrick + eileen = ? and then eileen put derrick+eileen=VIOLENCE. LOL. super funny la. ohhh. and we were helping SOMEONE to pose as li jian's gay angel. LOL. very funny. x) ohhh. and we left sch early.. as ini before 12.45.. to go bowl at kovan. lol. we thought house time was at 2.45.. end up it was 12.45 and there was no way we could reach back in time anw. so only melly, celene, josh,nic and li jian went. haha. and nic and li jian went cos they were running for house comm. LI JIAN la.. pass wrong msg.. say that house time at 2.45. haha. cos announcement say it was frm 2.45 to 1.45 den we all dunno wat is the real time. =.='' anw.. for bowling i'm DAMN PRO can. i'm longkang queen. as in longkang=canal. yeeep. lol. 3 turns 0-pointer k.. every jc wants me CAN. XP ya lor. den after that go up to 7.. then 12.. then 19. aiya. so sad right. but then still can go jc la. x) unlike SOME ppl ah, aka shea, 100-points. lol. retainee sia. =PpP we headed back to sch after bowling cos they wanted to get shirts.. ended up deciding to bulk order as a class instead. lol. so ate lunch in sch then went home lo. ((:
and forward to TODAY. our timetables started today.. BOOHOO. our timetable is so UGLY. our latest + slackest day is tuesdays. =.='' we end at 5.15 but we have LOADS of breaks in between lor.. bleah. our earliest days are like 3++ i think.. which is thurs.. wed and fri are the shortest but plus cca are the longest.. argh. first period:gp with ms tan. ((: at least we got ms tan back.. she might not be the BEST teacher but she's very nice la. ((: interesting fact fromm melly: i'm her twin and vice versa. haha. for some reason ppl say we look alike lo. hmms. anw we had maths lect at lt2.. wahhh. i think the lecturer is OK la.. just that i dun like her voice only and she like to go act cute with the oops. =.='' yep.. started on row echeleon thingys?? 0.o dun get it.. something to do with matrices. and here i am with TUITION. and wat is tan doing??? lol. den.. like 1hr break.. bought kinder bueno for my angel. see how nice i am. =P oh well. i love kinder bueno can. ((: ohhhh. and yisheng is THE BEST EVER MORTAL you can get. so if u get him, it ROCKS. seriously. he writes double-paged letters to his angel!!! waahhhh. i'm JEALOUS. haha. anw, all of us are trying to convince him that we're his angel so as to protect the identity of his angel. his angel is so lucky that i have a younger bro and i love kinder bueno, just like her. lol. but then again i dun have the i-have-a-younger-bro-and-look-the-eldest type of face. haha. and i'm so honoured. i'm on his list of angel suspects. haha. he suspects melly, eileen, manda and celene too.. forgot who else. lol. but oh wells.. he seems to be becoming more convinced that i'm not his angel. awwww. :((
oh ya. ytd's civics was spent nominating class reps. and for some reason i'm civics rep but NOT class rep. haha. cos they always call for CG rep ma.. anw watever la. so my job is relatively non-existent and i shall just pretend to be doing something. HMMMM. anw ms ong said something.. i forgot wat, but then EVERYONE suddenly started volunteering to be all kinds of reps. haha. good tactic. must learn. anw.. today pw we were supposed to discuss momentum and tradition la.. and we somehow digressed. lol. ohh. and ms ong is quite nice la.. i mean she like gave us a paper to write the names of two ppl we wanna work with for pw den she'll try to put as together. (: den we started to grp ourselves according to where we live. so me, qin, serene and manda are NORTHERNERS. mel, eileen, josh sam, joey and dunno who became EASTLINGS. haha. anw we ended up writing more than two names la. lol. so see how lo. and me and manda were asking yisheng how to pronounce his name.. den he say he dun like yi sheng.... like how u'll pronounce it in english.. hmm thata came out weirdly. aiya watever. he prefer the chinese way of saying his name. haha. den we ask him his yi is which sheng.. chinese has 4 sheng. chinese ppl, u should know this k.. den he say he think is 1st or 2nd. then we were like u THINK??? anw we got him to write down his name in chi characters den asked melly how to say.. den turns out it's the 4th. and his sheng is also the 4th one.. u know the sheng for victory? yep, that one. so now we call him yisheng with emphasis on BOTH words which make it sounds like we're angry with him or something. lol.
anw after that had 1hr break.. den headed to gallery where we played bingo/bimbo. haha. and ppl were like playing and mugging lor. eileen played until she win den she started mugging.. li jian also. =.='' aha. li jian dun want me to sit next to him le lor.. he scared me. haha. i sat next to him during maths lect.. borrowed his notes cos i didn't bring mine.. den started writing all sorta of nonsense. then was crapping loads with him cos he's like 2 yrs older den he say i say until he like very old.. lol. den i was like ya, u are wat. den he was like aiya, lao bu si la.. as in old dun die. den i was like so u must be hundreds of yrs old cos u dun die la. lol. damn lame. den i designed jiaNa on his paper. which is like his and his gf's names. can tell he love her a lot la. (: yup. and i FINALLY know how to use a GC, thanks to josh sam and li jian. ((: and we were sitting alternate, like guy girl guy girl kinda thing cos yisheng mentioned he would like to implement that in his letter... lol. so yup, we implemented and yese, i sat between li jian and josh sam. josh sam's a nice guy k. he's gonna teach me how to play the guitar chords for one way. ((: he's in his church's band as a guitarist laa. so cool. haha. ((:
anw back to after bingo/bimbo.. we had geog lect in the ava and the econs ppl had lect in the cc.. so the GEOG-ERS and the ECON-ERS parted ways.. and we headed to the ava. wah. the ava was like super cold. anw, we watched a documentary on earthquakes.. and gerry was like sleeping la. lol. but it was quite interesting la.. hmmm. i hope the bridging lects for combined geog ppl are NOT on wed/fri. i got DANCE!!! :( yup. then headed to chem lab for prac. hmmms. i have no idea wat's the teacher's name. =.='' prac was ok la.. nth much to say. den after a 1/2 hr reak we had pe.. had relief teacher:mr ho.. our real pe teacher is mr louis ho i think. yup.. took height and weight. yay for nic!! i'm now 161cm. (: anw after that we played captain's ball.. and omg MELANIE is so super pro. she rocks my world can. x) u would nv have seen any girl playing like her in s11. haha. so yuuupp. but then again, she was from netball la. haha. wonder whether she's as good as jeana. hmms.
after pe we went to drink and crapped for like 30min in the cafe la. haha. wat with all the lame jokes and stuff. ahaha. so, s7 pretty much rocks. ((: and today we have come up with something to differentiate both mels.. melody is now melly and melanie will remain as mel. yeeep. i'm having a hard time rmbing tho. boo. >< ah wells. i'll do it! wahaha. and wow,i took such a long time to type this that i got kicked out of blogger. haha. XP and yes, melly's my TWINNIE! haha.
this is sweet! dun think i've posted it here before. and oh yes, i love kinder bueno. just some randomness going on. x) :
A girl asked a guy if he thought she was pretty, he She asked him if he would want to be with her forever....and he said no. She then asked him if she were to leave would he cry, and once again he replied with a no. She had heard enough. As she walked away, tears streaming down her face the boy grabbed her arm and said.... You're not pretty you're beautiful. I don't want to be with you forever. I NEED to be with you forever. And I wouldn't cry if you walked away...I'd die...
sweet yes??? haha. ((:
Sunday, March 26, 2006 @9:59 PM
i just had this random thought that everyone feels differently about every jc. like i can say sa rocks and someone can tell me sa sucks. and to different ppl, even the jcs with THE WORST reputation can feel like the greatest place on earth. oh well. just some random thought. (:
@3:08 PM
Baby Boy by Big Brovaz
From the day that I saw you
I knew that we would pursue
Cause the chemistry
we felt that day
Felt so real, and so true
Looking back on a year
we spent together
How it's been, what
we went through
Although we've had our
little ups and downs
We've still pulled through
Baby girl you're my
world my everything
I wanna lace you with
diamonds and every ring
Give you everything you
dream and fantasize
Cause you can tell me
that you love me
Looking in my eyes
You keep it real with me,
I keep it real with you
You keep on loving me,
I'll keep on loving you
Keep doing what you do,
I feel your whole aura
And I can't wait to hook up
again tomorrow baby - what
My love for you will never end
You'll always be a part of me
As long as time keeps
on passing by
You'll always be my baby boy.Everytime I look at you,
I can't believe
I've found a love so true (and)
I took my time to put
my trust in you
I must admit it was so hard to do
And every minute that I
spend with you
You make me believe I
have nothing to lose and
Deep down I always knew
that you would be mineDo you believe in destiny
Because I got a funny feeling
this was meant to be
Without you I'd be lost,
I need you next to me
Preferably in the house full
of luxuries and little kids
From day one I was sprung,
knew you was gonna be one
Cause my heart spoke for the
very first time in a long while
And every time you smile, I can see us walking up the aisle with you
carrying my child C'mon
My love for you will never end
You'll always be a part of me
As long as time keeps
on passing by
You'll always be my baby boyIf you were to go, I don't know
You're the only one who
sweeps me off my feet
Makes my soul go weak
The only one who makes
my heart wanna beat and I,
I could never live without you
You know that what I feel
has to be true
Cause you're my, my sweet loveEver since the first time,
that I looked into your eyes
I knew that you were
gonna be mine
Feeling you from the inside,
when you're not by my side
You're the only girl
that's on my mind
I never knew a love like
this, a love so strong
A vision so picture perfect
it could never be wrong
Along the way, you're gonna
see you belong with Jay
I might have to marry you
one day baby eh..
[Chorus / Outro]
you can't imagine how hard it was to get these lyrics. =.='' cos i was pretty sure the name of this song was baby boy. BUT when i searched, the results kept coming up baby boy by beyonce. aiyo. den put in a part of the lyrics that i knew then it gave me mariah carey's always by my baby or something like that. oh well. anw, i FINALLY found it, and there's only one result with this song on youtube! 0.o well, the song is relatively nice, but the parts sung by the guys, or rather rapped, wasn't THAT great. i liked the girls singing. (: anyone know any other song that's like this one? as in the one on my layout. cos i thought i heard this song before and it was totally sung by a girl. hmm. anw, the chorus is good. (:
Saturday, March 25, 2006 @8:55 PM
Tsubasa~ Guess How Much I Love Youi think this amv's not bad.. haha. =D i think i wanna buy tsubasa reservoir chronicles!!! x) anw, there's this part where the songs sorta overlap which is REALLY weird, but other than that the video's quite sweet. (: yummy.
koped this from evelyn's blog. x)
People come into your life for a reason, a season or a lifetime.
When someone is in your life for a REASON, it is usually to meet a need you have expressed. They have come to assist you through a difficulty, to provide you with guidance and support, to aid you physically, emotionally or spiritually. They may seem like a godsend and they are. They are there for the reason you need them to be. Then, without any wrongdoing on your part or at an inconvenient time, this person will say or do something to bring the relationship to an end. Sometimes they die. Sometimes they walk away. Sometimes they act up and force you to take a stand. What we must realize is that our need has been met, our desire fulfilled, their work is done. The prayer you sent up has been answered and now it is time to move on.
Some people come into your life for a SEASON, because your turn has come to share, grow or learn. They bring you an experience of peace or make you laugh. They may teach you something you have never done. They usually give you an unbelievable amount of joy. Believe it, it is real. But only for a season.!
LIFETIME relationships teach you lifetime lessons, things you must build upon in order to have a solid emotional foundation. Your job is to accept the lesson, love the person and put what you have learned to use in all other relationships and areas of your life. It is said that love is blind but friendship is clairvoyant.
haha. nice eh? =P ahhh. i'm too lazy to think up of something to post. =D
so guess how much i love you.
Friday, March 24, 2006 @10:05 PM
ok, i wanted to blog abt this ytd but i reached home super late so i didn't.. yup. anw most 06s07 ppl shoudl know this.. except maybe weiqin cos she wasn't in sch ytd and she didn't go for the cg outing the day before.. yup. anyway. the thing is, on wed, the class went to ps.. for i dunno wat cos i didn't go either.. i had dance. anw, when josh sam and terence were going home right, after terence alighted, this girl asked josh sam for terence's no... well of course she didn't know his name was terence so she just asked josh sam for his fren's no. then josh sam didn't know terence's no.. so the girl said that she would take his no. instead and then msg him to ask for his fren (aka terence's) no.. and josh sam gave her his no. cos he was afraid she would cry. lol. it's really funny la, but when u think abt it he's really being really nice as well.. so yeah.
josh sam's description of the girl is: short, smaller size than peilian (if u ppl know who she is), and darker than him and her sch skirt pattern has this weird pattern thingy. at least i THINK that's wat he thought. anw, he thought she was like lower sec or something la. ANYWAY. from wat i heard she msged him like thrice la. i didn't see the msgs tho. anw, heard that in one of them she said something like 'btw, i'm not malay' evevn though josh sam didn't ask her whether she was malay or not so yeah.. weird huh.
so.. the next day, in an attempt to HELP terence AND josh sam (cos the former was too shy and the latter was being harrased), we decided to call the girl. cos we were having yet another class outing. haha. me, mel x2, eileen, gerry, josh sam and chandra. amos left earlier. amanda and serene left early too.. ya. so they decided to get gerry to talk and he used josh sam's phone to call her.. then gerry started talking in this really LOW voice.. ppl who know gerry, u know his voice is not THAT low. he was faking it. =.='' that was quite obvious. lol. like wth. ANYWAY. he faked that his name was TERRY. LOL. like some cross between gerry and terence. den, he started asking her like why she wanted terence's no... how old was she,wat's her name, wat sch was she from. haha. and we found out.. she was 16 (in total contrast to josh sam's idea) and her name was a CHINESE one (thereby confirming she was chinese) and that she was from sengkang sec (which explains the weirdly patterened skirt, of which i have never seen before). yeeepp. and she said she dunno why she want his no.. like diaoz.. =.='' anw 'TERRY' was like ok.. i'll call u back later.. then he put down. then we were all like laughing (which is really bad. =/ ) and asking 'terry' how she sounded.. den he say she sounded really pai seh. lol. and then.. we realised we had completely forgotten abt the aim of the whole phone call which was to say terence/terry was alr attached and therefore unavailable. haha.
anw,before we left, which was abt 3.45, we went to downstairs the pay phone and 'terry' called her back.. then he used his LOW voice again and it went something like 'hi, i'm terry... i regret to inform you that i'm already attached. sorry..' and then it went on awhile and he AGAIN asked why she wanted terence's no.. by demand of us of course. haha. anw. the way he said it was like really FORMAL la.. the girl must have felt really sad or something. btw, i still can't believe ppl are THAT despo. =.='' or maybe it was a dare. hmm. ya.. den this time for the why qn she replied dunno how to explain.. then i was like telling josh sam that it was love at first sight with terence's back or something. lol. anw had a really good time altho it seemed to be at the expense of someone.. yeah. =/ anw yay for josh sam who bought bon bon rocher ice cream frm bravissimo and shared with us. (: and, oh yes i'm not finished. btw this post is so not in chronological order ,so sorry abt that. haha.
yup. anw, in the morning, most of the class sat together at the back and we crapped a lot.. and i think li jian is really FUNNY and CARTOONY can. u have to see his actions. it's DAMN cute LAAAA. haha. x) and u know when u pose for pics u do that 'twist' sign.. he uses the three middle fingers to do it cos he says the normal 2 finger one is too common. haha. anw we were sharing loads of lame jokes la.. anw somewhere around there melody's angel gave her a packet of skittles.. which pretty much kicked off the whole angel mortal game. yup. (: back to the table.. yup. really lame jokes. anw, the guys left for the mindef talk... and me, melody,amanda and eileen decided to write letters to our mortals. yep. sat in the hot sun to do it and finally moved in after we finished. yay! shall not disclose any angel's/mortal's names here la. haha. =D make the game more fun. yup. after the mindef talk, we went to the library with the guys who then proceeded to write letters for their mortals. yay! (:
anw, fast forward to before we left sch for ps.. yeah. we started talking abt the terence thing on the way there then josh sam was like telling us that he didn't think the girl really saw terence's face or anything.. then serene was like she must have fallen in love with terence's backside. lol. then after that it got to how to tell whether ppl have sexy butts or not... then somehow or other it went to eileen thinking that gerry had a sexy butt. and she started calling him sexy butt. LOL. funny. and then.. fast forward again to the foodcourt.. which is where 'terry' came into existence la. haha. then right.. we were eating... actually most of us had more or less finished then josh sam started asking whether this brownish thing in his soup was a spider. then.. they took it up in a spoon and we passed it round.. and it seriously WAS a spider. this rather BIG spider with long legs. like EWWWWW. then we were all like u've been eating soup with a SPIDER. go back and get a refund or a new bowl or something!!!! haha. then he didn't want to trouble the auntie la, but in the end we got gerry to go and tell the auntie,accompanied by melody and eileen and josh sam got a new bowl.. after eating like at least 1/2 of his old one. lol. then i was like are u sure u didn't eat any other it's mate or maybe its offspring.. haha. it was seriously really gross laaa.
anw.. while they were away right, josh sam noticed melody's unfinished bowl of bo bo cha cha. it had the coconut milk remaining plus maybe some tapioca fibres and ice and a piece of yam. then he was asking me and melanie whether it was porridge.. then we were likke yup... it's a cold sweet porridge with yam.. then he looked at us like we were weird or something.. then we were like why u don't believe us??? really!! u try la.. and that kind of thing.. then he was liike no no.. lol. then when melody and eileen came back he asked mel wat it was then me and melanie butt in and we said it was cold sweet porridge with yam.. haha. and eileen and melody picked it up right away den we all started tricking him together.. haha. den we let him try.. and he was like no la, this is not porridge! then we were like it is!! haha. then we really managed to convince him SOMEHOW.. nd then he was like aiya i'm not full chinese so i dunno all the chinese deserts wat.. then we were like so we're full chinese then we cannot know the malay/indian/any other race's deserts la.. lol. damn funny. he's so gullible!!! but he's a really nice guy la. haha. (:
yup. fast forward to leaving for home.. melanie went back to sch for soccer and the rest went home i think.. me and eileen took the nsl instead tho.. met shi jie at the station! haha. said hi and met her fren, grace i think.. yup. took the train to city hall then changed to ewl... wahhh. eileen stays at bedok la. like 0.o so far la. anw i was on my way to tuition so was taking to tanah merah, same time accompany each other lo.. talked a bit on the ride back and eileen was like i can't believe gerry actually thinks i think he has a sexy butt!! haha. cos when the three of them were coming back after changing josh sam's soup, gerry refused to walk in front. haha. all in all, ytd was a good day. haha. at least i bonded more with the class. (:
no matter what life throws at me, i'll take it. I don't want to regret things i've decided to do/not do. God has a plan for me. i'm sure of it. the least i can do is trust him. cos i know he loves me unconditionally. but maybe that's just me and u're different, but u know wat? the truth's always the same. and this time,the truth is: He loves YOU.
Wednesday, March 22, 2006 @9:55 PM
ohhh. i forgot to mention in my previous post. i met my pri sch fren. in dance. today. yup. i haven't seen her for 4 years.4 years!!! she was in my p1-p4 class. haha. she was like standing there then she was looking at me and so i looked back and sorta smiled, then she said alicia? then i was like how u know me???? lol. i was like thinking some stalker kind of thing? haha. no la. i actually thought that she was this junior frm my sec sch (cos she looks like a girl from kcp!!) and i was wondering why was she at sa and why was she in dance and she doesn't know me so how does she know me and that kinda thing. haha. soo. i was like who are u? and she was like i'm samantha.. from pri sch. then i was thinking of the p5-p6 samantha in my class who,during p5-p6, did not look like what the samantha was looking like right now. (aha i know lynn and char u're thinking tabt THAT samantha right. lol.) anw she does not look like her. NOT AT ALL. then i was like looking at her really hard and i was thinking and then i rmbed i had a classmate in p1-p4 called samantha, which i will now shorten to sam cos samantha is really long. so yup. she must have thought i was really weird cos i was probably giving this u know me but i don't know u?!?!? type of look. haha. and she looks so DIFFERENT. like in pri sch, her hair was quite short, and she had baby fat. =X but it is TRUE. lol.and now her hair's like long enough to tie (ok, no big deal, really. =.='' ) plus she's so much THINNER!!! i am envious. and she seriously looks LOADS diff and i still can't get over how different she looks!!! anw, asked her wat sec sch she went to.. cos i sorta nv really kept in contact with the p1-p4 frens... =X tho i think i was on quite good terms with her and lyn.. her gd fren in p1-p4. turns out she was at crescent and she knows eileen from my class! haha. so yuppp. fun fun fun day. still can't get over how diff sam looks. and (HOPEFULLY) she'll stay in dance! yay. she LOOKS like she has dance background.. u know, the tall graceful ballerina look. 0.o and ppl say I look like a dancer. haha. sooo. yup. interesting post eh? and dun worry if u dun get it. i was quite high typing this so it might have gotten a little confusing somewhere. x) plus,i think it's better to read thru the post fast. not say THAT faster but a bit faster than normal. then it'll give u the whole i'm hyped up feeling which is what i'm feeling right now. haha. (:
@8:20 PM
ackies. i'm in venn. wenn. venn. boo. i want loyfattttttt. YELLOW okay.. loyfatt rocks loads can. anw. today we played BIMBO during their econs lect.. the we being the previous s11 ppl: me, ansleee, yi mei, qin, sharon, chin pin, darren + a non-s11er (s11er??? bad eng can. =.='' ) which was victor. yeap. the their being everyone else besides us. cos the canteen was REALLY REALLY empty. like it's hardly ever that way lor. lol. and, BIMBO is BINGO. haha. just diff name la. anw we played like really letharghically cos it looked like it was going to RAIN. zzzz. and darren was faking us that his surname is quek?? it's KOH lor. rahhh. but i actually thought that it was QUEK. i mean, darren quek. it sounds GOOD? haha. plus, his really weird email add which seems to have NOTHING to do with himself, has this quek at the back. =.='' lol. anw quek is so much better cos then we can like go quack quack QUACK!! haha. no offence to any queks out there. but seriously, it's fun. x)
today was.. ok. not say interesting,not say boring.. best time spent with s11 peeps as usual.. haha. (: i need TIME to bond with the class man. as in, s07 la. actually i dun really rmb, but it seemed like settling into s11 was really natural. i mean, the people were friendly, we clicked with each other and basically, s11 ROCKED. haha. (: anw... s7 ppl seem really friendly, and they're quite enthu.. i mean they organise cg bonding thingys??? like s11 NEVER did that. although we did have pictionary. which was a pretty good bonding thing actually. haha. so ya. but i seem to have a LACK of things to talk about. sooo.. i probably pass off as quiet? bah. so. i NEED time. time, time, TIME. so.. i guess by the end of two months, i'd be pretty ok with s7. two months cos it's the same amount of time i spent with s11. anw, maybe s7 hasn't really sat down together a lot cos we're sorta having like all lectures right now and hardly any tutorials. sooo. yeap.
anw, had dance prac today.. whoaaa. TIRING. seriously. haha. and dance needs A LOT of commitment. there's like wed prac with zakie, fri techniques class with ms wee and sat prac with zakie again. plus, nearer to the performance date, the no. of pracs will definitely increase. sooo yeah. i've been thinking abt it and i'm guessing i'll be staying in dance.. it's really tough and all, but if u turn down all the challenges in life, it wouldn't be interesting now would it. besides, i like dance. x) and shi jie's in dance! melody and clarissa are there too.. and for today, yan shan and seow wei.. plus i've made a new fren, jean i think. haha. who thinks i dance pretty well ok. x) but i got really confused during the dance cos there's loads of turning and u get dizzy easily. yupp. and my legs got TANGLED. cos at the end of the second 8, we're supposed to like go down and turn and then get back up and my legs got totally TANGLED and i couldn't stnad up. LOL. so funny can. anw, yan shan's thinking abt quitting.. she probably will.. lol. dunno abt seow wei tho. =/ hope not everyone pses me. >< BUT. i will probably still stay in dance anw. heehee. (: howeverrrrr. i'll definitely need a GOOD MASSAGE today. i hope i won't be aching tml. haha. (:
Tuesday, March 21, 2006 @6:55 PM
WAHHHHH. blogger didn't work for me for like two days and i totally gave up till now. x) i haven't been turning up online either cos i was too lazy to and i was having this dnangel anime marathon. heehee. dnangel's plot is damn random. =.='' but still i like to watch!!! haha. dunno why tho. 0.o omg omg omg the last episode ROCKS. it's sooo touching and wat not laaaa!!! >< ack. i'm going mad. lol. hmm. anw today sorta got more bonded with the cg la.. it IS different from s11 but it's not that bad la. haha. had presentation skills workshop.. bleah. my grp like got nth to say cos we chose the wrong topic. =.='' ah wellsss. who cares. haha. (: all in all had a good day.. tho we didn't go out of sch to eat.. me, mel and eileen.. cos we're the guai kias who dun wanna get caught. heehee. (: oh well. like nth else to update. lalala~
Friday, March 17, 2006 @12:45 PM
Everytime We Touch - Cascada
I still hear your voice,
When you sleep next to me.
I still feel your touch,
in my dreams.
Forgive me my weakness,
But I dont know why,
Without you it's hard to survive (chorus)
'Cause every time we touch,
I get this feeling
And every time we kiss,
I swear I can fly
Can't you feel my heart beat fast,
I want this to last,
Need you by my side
'Cause every time we touch,
I feel the static,
And every time we kiss,
I reach for the sky,
Can't you hear my heart beat slow,
I can't let you go,
I Want you in my life. Your arms are my castle,
Your heart is my sky.
They wipe away tears that i've cried
The good and the bad times,
We've been through them all.
You make me rise when I fall.. (chorus)
'Cause every time we touch,
I get this feeling
And every time we kiss,
I swear I can fly
Can't you feel my heart beat fast,
I want this to last,
Need you by my side
'Cause every time we touch,
I feel the static,
And every time we kiss,
I reach for the sky,
Can't you hear my heart beat slow,
I can't let you go,
I Want you in my life. 'Cause every time we touch,
I get this feeling
And every time we kiss,
I swear I can fly,
Can't you feel my heart beat fast,
I want this to last,
Need you by my side.
not a bad song. haha. but unbelievable is still nicer! x)
Tuesday, March 14, 2006 @9:16 PM
Father's Love Letter.You may not know me but
i know everything about you.
i know when you sit down and when you rise up.
i am familiar with all your ways.
even the very hairs on your head are numbered.
you were made in my me you live and move and have your being
for you are my offspring.
i knew you even before you were conceived.
i chose you when i planned were not a mistake, for all your days were written in my book.i determined the exact time of your birth and where you would live.
you were fearfully and wonderfully made.i knit you together in ur mother's womb.
and brought you forth on the day you were born.
i have been misrepresented by those who don't know me.
i am not distant and angry, but am the complete expression of love.
and it is my desire to lavish my love on you.
simply because you are my child and i am your father.
i offer you more than your earthly father every could.
for i am the perfect father.every good gift you recieve comes from my hand.
i am your provider and i meet your needs.
my plan for your future has always been filled with hope.
i love you with an everlasting love.
my thoughts towards you are countless as the sand on the shore.
and i rejoice over you with singing.
i will never stop doing good to you.
for you are my treasured possesion.i desire to establish you with all my heart and all my soul.
i want to show you great and marvellous things.
if you seek me with all your heart, you will find me.
delight in me and i will give you the desires of your heart.for it is i who gave you those desires.
i am able to do more for you than you can possibly imagine.
for i am your greatest encourager.
i am also the father who comforts you in all your troubles.
when you are brokenhearted, i am close to you.
as a shepherd carries a lamb, i have carried you close to my heart.
one day i will wipe every tear from your eyes.
and i will take away all the pain u have suffered on this earth.
i am your father, and i love you as i love my son, jesus.
for in jesus,my love for you is revealed.he is the exact representation for my being.
he came to demonstrate that
i am for you, not against you.
and to tell you that
i am not counting your sins.
jesus died so that you and i could be reconciled.
his death was the ultimate expression of my love for you.i gave up everything i loved that i might gain your love.
if u receive the gift of my son jesus, u recieve me
and nothing will ever seperate u from my love again.
come home and i'll throw the biggest party heaven has ever seen.
i have always been Father, and will always be Father.
my question is.. will you be my child?
i am waiting for, your dad
almighty god.
@10:53 AM
oh man. today's trip has been cancelled. oh wells. to ansley: get well soon k! to yi mei: have a good time in jb! so u see why we cancelled today.. ahhh. i'm gonna reschedule asap can. s11 needs an outing!!! but. i'm like no longer free. raaaahhh. maybe i'll stand someone up. =X or maybe sat? hmmms. og24 has an outing on thurs.. and i have guides on thurs too.. :( og18 wants a gathering on fri.. but i think it's been cancelled cos we're not free. haha. i wanna play pool with tong liang, seow wei, zhe hui and iven!!! lol. i miss first three/two months. :( i miss the ppl!! BLEAH. life's playing unfair. i wish time would stop. somehow. somewhere.
BUT. i'm an optimist. wahahaha. x) so s07 probably WON'T be that bad. and i'll get to know loads more ppl. so yup.. expand the social circle. haha. by next week, i should be ready to go into class with an optimistic outlook. i think. lol. lalala. and i'm majorly addicted to unbelievable. it's such a nice song!!! x) someone quick send meeee!! ahhh. hmm. i'm guessing i'll be having spaghetti for lunch. haha. a far cry from the food fest, but food all the same. (: i think my stomach's hungry. 0.o
jesus loves me this i know, for the bible tells me so. (:
Saturday, March 11, 2006 @4:28 PM
Always said I would know where to find love,
Always thought I'd be ready and strong enough,
But some times
I just felt I could give up.
But you came and changed my whole world now,
I'm somewhere I've never been before.
Now I see, what love means.
It's so unbelievable,
And I don't want to let it go,
Something so beautiful,
Flowing down like a waterfall.
I feel like you've always been,
Forever a part of me. And
it's so unbelievable to finally be in love,
Somewhere I'd never thought I'd be.
In my heart, in my head, it's so clear now,
Hold my hand you've got nothing to fear now,
I was lost and you've rescued me some how. I'm alive, I'm in love
you complete me,
And I've never been here before.
Now I see, what love means.
When I think of what I have, and this chance I nearly lost,
I cant help but break down, and cry.
Ohh yeah, break down and cry.
Now I see, what love meansthis song rocks. x) anyone can send me? haha. (:
i know my love might be unpredictable. but i still love you.
@11:59 AM
omg i'm not in 06s11. OMG I'M NOT IN 06S11!!! like wth!!!!!!!!! T.T i was so freaking pissed when i saw it can???? argh. and i nearly cried in the cc la. i'm gonna miss 06s11 LOADS. all the gossiping sessions. the ponning of classes. the spotting of eyecandy. I MISS 06s11. a lot. and really, i was freaking pissed la. anw.. after i got over it i was like feeling relatively numb. which was why i ended up stoning at the balcony with yi mei, weiqin, ansleey and celia. i think i was pretty much the only one stoning though. haha. headed back to cc for yet ANOTHER talk. we had like sooo many talks la. =.='' i pity the chinese teachers and the librarian head. cos ppl were walking out during their talks. esp during the chinese one. =X anw, we were guai and stayed in the cc k.. although i wasn't listening to the chinese talk at all. lol. anw. the last talk was a service learning thingy.. sounds interesting? 06s07 has to do a fundraising thing. yes, i'm in 06s07. with weiqin. only. and serene from my og, but the point is, only ONE person from 06s11 is with me. and if we hadn't gotten the same score and taken the same combi we might not even have gotten in the same class and i would have been dunno where with dunno who. so yup, i guess i should be thankful. haha. at least me and qin get on fine. RIGHT QIN? lol.
anw.. so my class is not that bad. the guys are friendly.. i'm not sure abt the girls? cos when we went around meeting ppl i met mostsly guys. haha. and there's this paul from river valley who has brown hair and i so don't believe he didn't dye it!!! 0.o and practically EVERYONE takes chinese in my class. albeit a seemingly large no. seem to take either higher chinese or chinese b, but still,there's like no malay or indian??? cos there's this eurasian who takes chinese b, and joshua samuel takes chinese b, and so does chandra who's indonesian. 0.o amazingly. so. my chinese won't like be the worst? haha. but given the fact they're taking chinese b mine MIGHT be the worst in the h1 chinese class. lol. and paul doesn't know what chinese b is cos he was in river valley. where EVERYONE takes higher chinese. and paul and regina has a twin each! and if i'm not wrong their twins are non-identical cos they're of diff gender. and both of their twins are going poly. if i'm not wrong. so coincidental la. oh. and one of the guys has a cambodian gf. haha. and there's this vs guy called nicholas who lives at tanah merah. 0.o he says there's a bus that he takes to some mrt stattion then from there takes the mrt to tanah merah.. and that route is much shorter. so maybe i'll learn from him and go to tan's myself. haha. oh, and why do i know so many interesting things? cos our ct made us go around and get to know one another and find out some fact abt the person. yup. and our ct is not bad. ms ong. and she's a PHYSICS tutor. now who says girls aren't good at physics. x) so yeah.. all in all i think my class shouldn't be too bad.. but 06s11 still rocks my socks. ahhh. moe is screwed. get rid of second intakeeee!! BLEAH. bloody retards. imagine the poor ppl who had to go through first and second intake these past years!!! and u HAD to wait until 2008 to change the system. insensitive. HMPF. anw.. like sharon said.. have an OPEN MIND.. ah well. i doubt my class will be bad. but 06s11 is still special. VERY special. (:
I LOVE 06s11!!!i was naive then, now i am not.
i was a child then, now i am grown.
i believed easily then, now i do not.
is that not how you feel also?
Tuesday, March 07, 2006 @7:31 PM
i wonder how many ppl ponned today. ah wells. =D did up my theory.. i hope i pass. lord, i'm counting on you!
This is a beautiful story.Sally jumped up as soon as she saw the surgeon come out of the operating room. She said: "How is my little boy? Is he going to be all right? When can I see him?"
The surgeon said, "I'm sorry. We did all we could, but your boy didn't make it."
Sally said, "Why do little children get cancer? Doesn't God care any more? Where were you, God, when my son needed you?"
The surgeon asked, "Would you like some time alone with your son? One of the nurses will be out in a few minutes, before he's transported to the university."
Sally asked the nurse to stay with her while she said good-bye to son. She ran her fingers lovingly through his thick red curly hair.
"Would you like a lock of his hair?" the nurse asked.
Sally nodded yes. The nurse cut a lock of the boy's hair, put it in a plastic bag and handed it to Sally. The mother said, "It was Jimmy's idea to donate his body to the University for Study. He said it might help somebody else. "I said no at first, but Jimmy said, 'Mom, I won't be using it after I die. Maybe it will help some other little boy spend one more day with his Mom." She went on, "My Jimmy had a heart of gold. Always thinking of someone else. Always wanting to help others if he could."
Sally walked out of Children's mercy Hospital for the last time, after spending most of the last six months there. She put the bag with Jimmy's belongings on the seat beside her in the car. The drive home was difficult. It was even harder to enter the empty house. She carried Jimmy's belongings, and the plastic bag with the lock of his hair to her son's room. She started placing the model cars and other personal things back in his room exactly where he had always kept them. She laid down across his bed and, hugging his pillow, cried herself to sleep.
It was around midnight when Sally awoke. Laying beside her on the bed was a folded letter. The letter said: "Dear Mom, I know you're going to miss me; but don't think that I will ever forget you, or stop loving you, just 'cause I'm not around to say I LOVE YOU. I will always love you, Mom, even more with each day. Someday we will see each other again. Until then, if you want to adopt a little boy so you won't be so lonely, that's okay with me. He can have my room and old stuff to play with. But, if you decide to get a girl instead, she probably wouldn't like the same things us boys do. You'll have to buy her dolls and stuff girls like, you know. Don't be sad thinking about me. This really is a neat place. Grandma and Grandpa met me as soon as I got here and showed me around some, but it will take a long time to see everything. The angels are so cool. I love to watch them fly.
And, you know what? Jesus doesn't look like any of his pictures. Yet, when I saw Him, I knew it was Him. Jesus himself took me to see GOD! And guess what, Mom? I got to sit on God's knee and talk to Him, like I was somebody important. That's when I told Him that I wanted to write you a letter, to tell you good-bye and everything. But I already knew that wasn't allowed. Well, you know what Mom? God handed me some paper and His own personal pen to write you this letter. I think Gabriel is the name of the angel who is going to drop this letter off to you. God said for me to give you the answer to one of the questions you asked Him 'Where was He when I needed him?' "God said He was in the same place with me, as when His son Jesus was on the cross. He was right there, as He always is with all His children. Oh, by the way, Mom, no one else can see what I've written except you. To everyone else this is just a blank piece of paper. Isn't that cool? I have to give God His pen back now. He needs it to write some more names in the Book of Life. Tonight I get to sit at the table with Jesus for supper. I'm, sure the food will be great.
Oh, I almost forgot to tell you. I don't hurt anymore. The cancer is all gone. I'm glad because I couldn't stand that pain anymore and God couldn't stand to see me hurt so much, either. That's when He sent The Angel of Mercy to come get me. The Angel said I was a Special Delivery! How about that?
Signed with Love from God, Jesus & Me.
Saturday, March 04, 2006 @11:42 AM

the class of 06s11. and the 'ugly' faces. haha. (:

06s11 + lynn.

the four ppl jumping and pam trying to block them. lol. notice sharon's legs looked chopped off. x)

the 2 pairs. kcpians and TWEmasekains.

me and lynn. (:

me and weiqin. (:

me and ansley. (:

me and yi mei. (:

oh. and 06s11 hard at work in the cafe. (:
Friday, March 03, 2006 @9:24 PM
well. today's the last day as a class with 06s11.. and the last day with everyone from og18. ahhhh! 2 months and 3 days have passed so quickly!!! i wish for loads more time together with everyone.
i still rmb the first day of orientation. sitting next to shan bin and jason in the cc.. going to the hall with og18 and meeting the rest of the og. rmb hitting it off with hui mei... and commenting on having a really quiet og. yan shan and i doing forfeits for stage games twice. the college cheers, song, hymn. the lindy hops mass dance, chicken dance and chori chori. the man hunt. the ivana tribal warriors. losing almost every single stage game but bonding in the process. cip at potong pasir and bonding time again. learning ivana cheers from daniel and sher with og 16. looking for eunice's and seow wei's reflexes at the gallery with yan shan. my cut hair. the long queue for the shirts and skipping maths lecture just to buy the sa shirts. the banner for finale. the hot ponchos and noisy whistles. the rocking finale and disco night and the one and only pic of og18 throughout the whole orientation 1. our og outings. the memoirs of a geisha. i still owe iven $9.50. haha. and then the danceworks. pool with iven, tong liang, zhe hui and occasionally seow wei. iven always organising everything. iven being irritating. sherlynn's thank you card. our og18 shirt. (:
and splitting into our cgs.
the first day of 06s11. i was late. haha. rmb rushing into the classroom and then mrs leow saying" oh,so u're alicia.". and i was like so mortified. i thought i was the last person but it turns out i wasn't. haha. anw, i rmb sitting between lynn and ansley.. rmb having a hard time with everyone's names!! and then there was the short intro.. and the TURTLES. haha. if i'm not wrong, that was mingde.. den there was the banana man, mingwei. lol. shawn and elias were there too. yep. rmbed saboing lynn to be the cg rep.. den anisha to be the assistant cg rep. haha. and then i got saboed to be phy rep, mingwei the chem rep, shawn the gp rep and chin pin the chinese rep,and sharon volunteered to being the maths rep. haha. rmb thinking the cg was really quiet.. and that i missed og 18 loads.
and then.. the days went passed.. clicked with ppl in the class. haha. rmb staying back on fri to play pictionary with jj, jarryl, sharon, pam, ansley, yi mei, xingwen (one of the temasek bandies). first time i played. and had loads of fun. rmb sharon trying to psycho me to join fitness. haha. rmb wacky ansley and yi mei. rmb clicking well with weiqin. our cg get addicted to pictionary and going to the sc to play. playing taboo for the first time and sucking at it. ponning lects,chinese and maths. emily and her 'pon' stars. the valent tube project and ending up not doing deco at all but instead sorting. pe: captain's ball and floor ball. the pentagon defense:me,jj,yi mei, emily,ming de. me and yi mei working on our abs. me and weiqin crapping and being lame. the day i kept laughing at weiqin. chen shan and zhuang yan speaking loads of chinese. lynn learning korean from chen shan. lynn and bek wuay calling themselves stupid and idiot in korean. all the bandies and the band talk. major eyecandy watchers. passing eyecandy around till everyone knows. gp and role play and gossips. maths and the grumpy gnome. phy and the dense mr chia. chem and mrs leow. civics with ms tan today: our most significant memory in sa. me with mrs leow: worried abt getting scolded cos we mass-ponned maths tut. chinese and ji lao shi and ponning class cos of ting xie. lit class: the poem,our homework and ponning cos anisha didn't finish the assignment. walking to braddell with weiqin, giving her wrong info abt bus 88. saying ansley and yi mei were abducted by aliens cos they weren't their usual wacky selves and wanting to be abducted too so we could meet up with the real them. ponning today's phy lect and getting seen by mr chia. the wonderful card made by ansley, yi mei, jarryl and jj. the wonderful things everyone wrote abt the class. the wonderful class itself.
and to everyone leaving.. i wish you guys all the best in your new jcs and i hope sa has left you with great memories too. (:
i'm so blessed to have met all of you. (:
sa rocks. really.
and i'll definitely have the time of my life in these two years.